Over the Past 15 Years we've sat with Celine Dion
(and been served dinner by her chef) while making
Christmas Flip Books for her and her family.
We've been on Stage with Lionel Richie while performing at a Wedding Reception. We've had dinner with NFL Players and their Families on Marco Island. This is only 3 of the Hundreds of Spectacular Events that we have participated in with Thousands of People saying...
"OMG...I've Never seen this Before!" NOW... You have a Once in a Lifetime ability to continue that WOW Factor
usiness For Sale in the United States. If Needed... I will Deliver (for additional Fee) everything you see below and will show you how to Setup and Break Down the Complete Studio. If this is NOT your First Studio, You'll know how much of a Bargain this is.
If you want it... This Website will be Included.
5 x 8 Enclosed Trailer with Spare Tire. Wood Floor Board with Carpeted Walls. Everything fits inside. Car Not Included.
You can Change Graphics or
Leave it in a Generic Format
No Phone Number just the Website... Which you will Own
if you Want It.
Hooks and Bungee Cords Everything fits inside.
Lockable Back Doors
2 Computers with Touch Screen Monitors. Unlimited Dongle Key for printing Unlimited Flipbooks with No Extra Cost... EVER.
Everything you need to Start Making Money Immediatley.
3 Brother Model HL-4150 CDN
1 Brother Model 4570 CDW
with New and Partial Toner
New and Partial Toners
All Printing Wires Included
1 Martin Yale Model BCS412
with Scoring Roller
$4,782.30 on Amazon
2 Martin Yale Model BCS212
$2,013.73 each on Amazon
All properly Maintained and working Great with Attachments and Cases
Keep an Eye on These
People LOVE Them
Easy Setup
Easy Breakdown
Easy Storage
Three Six Foot
and One Eight Foot
Collapsible Tables
With Extra Black Fitted
Table Clothes
Proper Lighting is Very Important to the Quality of the Images.
More than Enough to Hold Everything that you will need...
The Finest Quality Paper that you should Print On. Will Last for Years of People Flipping the Pages Includes some High Quality Cover Stock for Covers
I will show you how easy it is to Load and Unload.
Everything I've shown you is included in the Inventory...
along with some that I may have missed. You'll get It ALL
Celine and Family
Best Wedding Reception EVER!
My wife and I started FlipnPics Flipbooks in 2009. We were the First Flipbook Company in the Miami Metro area and worked our tails off. I moved back home to Atlanta in 2014 but the Party Environment is SO completely different here.
I am NOT going out of Business. As Long as I own Flipnpics I will Perform for you with Excitement, Integrity, Creativity and Hilarity. I LOVE making people Laugh... and I am a Very Honest Person.
If you are looking to hire us for your event...
I will protect you from losing any money by offering a LOW Deposit and Full Money Back Guarantee...
If it sells before your event.
I have Not and will NEVER screw anyone over!
My name is Barry and having just turned 66...
It's time to make some changes in my life.
Since 2009, I have Loved every minute of Owning Flipnpics Flipbooks and will probably regret selling it, BUT that time has come. If you are interested in purchasing this Company, this Website and the Inventory, Please send an email to me at Flipnpics@Gmail.com or Text me at 470-962-0455. Please Note... I will NOT sell the Computers or Dongle Key separately. Delivery Fees will be based on where I will be delivering to and will be actual Costs.
No Delivery Charge to the Metro Atlanta Area.
Please ask any questions you have in the email and I will answer to the Best of my knowledge. Leave your Name and Phone number and I'll call you as soon as I can... (1 - 12 hours).
Copyright © 2009 - 2024 FlipnPics FlipBooks - All Rights Reserved For All Images and Text.